Defensive Driving Blog

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Defensive Driving

Defensive Driving Blog

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Read our blog and find important Defensive Driving tips.

Our defensive driving  blog is to remind you that driving a car can be very dangerous. Feel free to read our tips, designed to keep you safe when you’re behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Read our blog and become a safer driver. Defensive driving can safe your life.



Blog Topics

The purpose of this blog is to remind you of the many driving hazards that confront a driver daily. We tend to overlook things that present a clear danger to ourselves and other drivers. If you read one of our articles and it causes you to stop and think, for even a moment, these efforts will be worthwhile. The problem is that we don’t get a “do-over.” A lapse of judgement, for even a split-second, can affect our lives forever. Some of the major contributors to crashes are: lack of attention, drinking and driving, and speeding. Of course there are many other factors that contribute to crashes. Think about the people you care about, and those that care about you. When behind the wheel, it should be our goal to make sure we return safely to those whom we care about.

So, take a moment to read an article or two. Maybe the next time you get behind the wheel you will remind yourself what’s really important to you. Shaving a couple of minutes from your journey is nothing compared to saving your life. And of course, some other person’s life.

We wish you Good luck and safe driving!

Get a copy of the New York State Driver’s manual directly from the state.


Defensive Driving